Home NEWS CUTTINGS Cheery Tree Nursery Spring Fayre 21/3/2020 Cancelled

Cheery Tree Nursery Spring Fayre 21/3/2020 Cancelled


“We are very sorry to announce we have had to take the decision to cancel our Spring Fayre on 21st March 2020 in view of the current situation. As I am sure you will appreciate, this decision was not taken lightly as our events are very popular and vital in raising funds for our charity but we must protect all of our customers, supporters, beneficiaries and friends. Our beneficiaries already live with severe and enduring mental illness and we must do all we can to reduce their anxieties so that we all work together through theese difficult times.”

“We are finding great solace in being outside, amongst nature and in the fresh air, which was of course the basis for the charity some thirty years ago.”

“Our shop and nursery area will be open as usual, 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Fridays and 10am to 4pm Saturdays and Sunday.”

Cherry Tree Staff

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