Home NEWS CUTTINGS Late summer edition of Country Gardener means we are back

Late summer edition of Country Gardener means we are back


We are delighted that a special Late Summer edition of Country Gardener will be available for readers to enjoy from the weekend of August 15th and 16th.

It is the first time since the March lockdown and the closure of our stockists that we have been able to publish the magazine and get it out to our loyal readers. And we are thrilled to be back!

Our issue will have comprehensive coverage of what is now open for garden lovers to enjoy as finally regulations for getting out and about are relaxed and we can all make the most of what’s left of the gardening year.

Our plans for the rest of the year include an Autumn edition available in late September and then a Winter edition from early November.

If you have any news , details of  garden events or openings then email to 

We have a new subscription service available for those readers who would like to have a copy of the magazine delivered directly to their home. Email subscriptions@countrygardener.co.uk

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