The Wildlife Trust has created online nature activities to encourage everyone to tune in to wildlife at home– and to help pe…
The Wildlife Trust has created online nature activities to encourage everyone to tune in to wildlife at home– and to help pe…
It isn’t easy but there are ways you can limit the damage done by rabbits. The end result may not be 100 per-cent rabbit pro…
Scientific studies show how valuable wildlife is – not only giving us a sense of wellbeing but which can give real health be…
One of the finest sights at a garden feeding station in autumn and winter is a large group of long tailed tits feeding toget…
Rob Parkin is passionate about organic and sustainable growing, combined with working with wildlife. He is a former head gar…
Elizabeth McCorquodale urges us not to be too eager to tidy away the fading stems of the passing year, and provide a winter …
Even a small garden can attract wildlife, whether it’s in a town, suburb or village. Here are some tips If you have a small …
Volunteers urged to look out in gardens especially for mammals to help wildlife study Members of the public are being urged …
Rosi Rollings has been a passionate plantswoman and gardener all her life, and in 2008 became a beekeeper. A year later she …
A magnificent wildflower display can be seen along the A38 in Devon thanks to a scheme to increase biodiversity and help pro…
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Country Gardener reader Lisa Bowden finally got round last year to moon planting after …