Home Features Nature Watch Go wild service from Earthwatch aims to help families create calm

Go wild service from Earthwatch aims to help families create calm


Environmental charity, Earthwatch, has launched a new service for parents to help children feel that they are doing something positive for nature and connected to the outdoors, to help reduce anxiety among families during the lockdown period. 

A change in routine and lack of access can be difficult for children and many parents are at the same time climbing the walls wondering how to occupy them. The new service from Earthwatch offers a sense of connection with nature  and purpose, designed specifically for primary aged children.  

Developed by Earthwatch environmental scientists and outdoor learning specialists, the Wild Days service will provide accessible activities every day for the next six weeks, with subscribers receiving a ‘daily edition’ which will include science and outdoor learning inspired videos, activities, and games.  

The programme will cover the themes of wildlife, food, water, soil, climate and shelter and will feature Earthwatch  ambassadors including naturalist and TV presenter, Nick Baker, and Michaela Strachan, presenter of the BBC’s Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch programmes.   

By subscribing to the service, £3 per daily edition or £8 per week, users will gain exclusive access to high-quality  content created by the charity’s environmental scientists, outdoor learning experts and celebrity ambassadors.   

Funds raised through the subscription service will support Earthwatch Europe’s research into today’s environmental challenges and find solutions to these issues.

“We live in wild times,” comments, Nick Baker. “Unpredictability is about the only aspect we can count on,  but that doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy and appreciate the natural environment around us. 

“Wild Days will help children interact with nature and learn about the natural world. Even the edges of windowsills hold tiny little eco-systems, so there is nature to be found everywhere. Our youngsters want to be doing positive things for the planet and this will help them on that path.”

Parents can subscribe to the service via www.wild-days.org

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